CVS access

There are to ways to access the CVS repository from sourceforge.
  1. In an anonymous way
  2. As an sourceforge developer

First you need to obtain a cvs programm for your favourite Amiga Operation System. It must be capable to handle secure connection, if you want to access it as an sourceforge developer.

On AmiNet you can find one version, which is suitable for AmigaOS and MorphOS: cvs-1.11.4.lha.
Donwload and install it. only copyied the cvs programm from the archive to my C: directory.

Regradless in what way you want to access the CVS repository you need to setup the following assigns and environment variables.
Open a shell and cd to the directory where you want the source code of the amizilla project to reside. Enter the following commands:

> makedir cvsroot
> assign CVSHOME: cvsroot

The assigment should be made constant for example at the user-startup script.


The following instruction to retrieve the cvs repository must be executed within a shell and in the CVSHOME: directory!

Furthermore i made the expierence to not use a unix shell like sh or similar and if you use UAE, use hardfile and not softfiles for Volumes. Because softfile tends to crash with a guru.

The best is to open a new shell and enter the following command:



To get the source code enter the following into the prepared shell:

> cvs login

When asked for a password just answer with a return. Than do the following to start download of the source.

> cvs co amizilla

Now you only have to wait for cvs to finished.

What to do with your own changes to the sources?

If you have made any changes towards the sources, which makes Amizilla compile or fix a bug and you want to share, you can create a patch and post it on the developers mailinglist.


To get the source code as an sourceforge developer you need an account at SourceForge. After obtaining an account you need to go to the AmiZilla Project and request for cvs access. Take a look at the project site how to request for it.

After having an SourceForge account with access to AmiZilla you have an account name, in this document refered to as sfusername with and corresponding password. Then assked for an password during cvs usage, enter your password for the sfusername account. Enter the following in the shell.

> SetEnv CVS_RSH ssh
> cvs -z3 co amizilla

Like the Assign of CVSHOME in the common part you can think of makeing the setenv CVS_RSH ssh in the user startup.
Now you only have to wait for cvs to finished.

Commiting local changes to the cvs repository (only as Developer)

Syncing local cvs with cvs repository

If you want to syncronize your local copy of the cvs repository with changes, who other developers have submitted in to teh cvs, you can achieve that in the following way:

> cvs up amizilla

Additional information about AmiZilla CVS repository

The 3rd party branch is called UPSTREAM_BRANCH and the tag on the imported source is UPSTREAM_20030622. To do a diff against the original mozilla sourcecode that was imported use this command from somewhere inside the tree:

> cvs rdiff -rUPSTREAM_BRANCH -rHEAD -c amizilla

You probably want to pipe the output to a file. The rdiff is done entirely on the server and is very fast compared to a normal diff.

I imported using -ko so the original mozilla tree's keywords should be preserved. This allows us to identify where the original code came from, but prevents us from identifying the files as coming from our tree (maybe you can override this option during checkout, I don't know).

I thought I was importing a pristine checkout from the mozilla cvs server, but it appears I have my tree's confused and this one was used for a linux build. The .cvsignore files got most of the unwanted files, but some may have been checked in when they shouldn't have been :-(

The import didn't go completely to plan, there is an extra branch tag called MOZILLA_BRANCH which we may be able to get rid of, but this isn't too important.